Today was wig shopping day. I was so thankful Stephanie came with me! I learned about mono-filament wigs and lace cap wigs and lots of things I never wanted to know. The wigs are ordered in the style and color you choose, so my job today was to try on different styles and colors of wigs and make a decision. Then the store will combine the chosen style with the chosen color and will order my wig. Since there were no wigs that were as long as my hair in a similar color, I got to try on all sorts of hair! I've attached some photos so you can see how the appointment went and also some potential styles for next year when my hair starts to grow back in.

The 1st photo is a short bob. Too dark & too short for me but a cute cut for someone with more style than me. The 2nd photo is of the back of the 1st wig.

The 3rd wig is extremely short, but the color was good. I think this photo shows the color I ordered.
The last photo is kind of the style I selected. The one I ordered is about 4 inches longer, but a similar cut. It was the most similar to the style I have now.

The next step is to wait for the color/style combination wig to come in and to go try it on. Hopefully it will look good and I'll take it home. If not, it's back to the drawing board. Luckily I have about 4-5 weeks before my hair will fall out, so I have some time to play.
Or, I'll just wear my Chargers hat everywhere...
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