Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Good, The Bad & The Beautiful

Got a 2nd opinion today from a doctor who reviewed all of my radiology and pathology tests. The good news is that there definitely is no cancer in my left breast. Not even a speck. The bad news is that it looks pretty good that the cancer in the right breast has escaped the ducts and is starting to be invasive. My "extensive DCIS" has outgrown the ducts and is trying to spread. Either way, it doesn't change the original recommendation for a mastectomy to remove the cancer. What may change is the treatment after surgery - radiation and/or chemo will be recommended if the cancer is invasive and in the lymph nodes. So keep your fingers crossed that the cancer bugs haven't been able to get very far!

I met another angel today - another breast cancer survivor (apparently that's what anyone who has had breast cancer is called) who offered lots of advice and encouragement and even showed me her reconstructed breasts. I am in awe of the number of women who are willing to not only meet with me and give me advice about dealing with breast cancer but who are willing and even eager to show me their new boobs. My neighbors must be wondering what the heck is going on over here with the number of topless women hanging out in my kitchen. And I'm wondering if this is a practice reserved for breast cancer or if this is common to all cancers. Do men take their pants off in their garages to share their testicular cancer scars? Anyway, seeing the bare breasts have made me feel very reassured that my scars will not resemble Frankenstein's and that I could even come out of the surgery looking better than I do now. One angel even told me that next year I will be the one flashing my breasts in someone else's kitchen (I assume she meant without drinking excessively). Maybe, but in the meantime I'm thinking about investing in some mardi gras beads just in case more survivors come knocking on my door.


  1. I love you sista! I pray for you every day and your Mass is set for the 17th...

  2. Feel free to notify the police should all this exhibtionism creates a problem.

  3. Sending prayers your way!
