Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Foob Fun

So I've been taking photos every 5 days or so for the foob scrapbook and am amazed at how fast my body is healing. All of my bruising is gone and the only scabbing left is on my incision and the nipple area. (I'm still hoping there really is a nipple under there). Both of my drains have been removed and those incisions are healing up too. I do still have a good amount of swelling on my side next to the foob, but am being told it's all normal and will eventually subside. Not one to sit and wait, I've started receiving lymph massages to stimulate the lymph system and hopefully get some of the extra fluid/swelling/crud to work its way out. I slept on my side last night for the first time since surgery - I was afraid to with the drains in - and this morning everything was where I left it last night. Progress! Even with the healing going so well, there are some odd things to get used to. I still don't have much feeling from my armpit (totally numb) to my elbow (kind of numb) or on my side next to the foob. I don't have anywhere near a full range of motion with my right arm either even though I am doing my assigned exercises almost every day. One weird thing I've noticed is that when I drink hot or cold drinks I can really feel them heading down through my chest - it's almost uncomfortable - and I think it's because there is no fat or breast tissue for insulation any more. Or it could all be in my head... Dressing with the foob is still not an easy task. My left breast is at least 1 cup size bigger than the foob, but the foob nipple is 1" higher than the real breast (I know because I was left home alone with a tape measure). A regular bra fits the left side fine, but the cup collapses on the right (and yes, I've tried the silicone bra stuffers but it tried to escape from the bra and then I had 3 breasts) A sports bra supports the left side, but is very tight around the swelling next to the foob so it's not very comfortable. I've resorted to wearing tank tops with built-in bra shelves. There is some support for the left side and it's comfortable to wear. The only issue is there's no hiding the size/height discrepancy. I have kind of a diagonal cleavage thing going on. Oh well, it's only temporary. That's my new motto by the way. It's only temporary. The lopsided foob, the chemo, the hair loss, it's all temporary. I haven't found the humor in chemotherapy yet, but the foob is pretty entertaining.

On the chemo front, I'm still waiting to hear back from the 2nd oncologist before any final decision is made. I'm researching wig/hair options just in case and have discovered a whole new world I never knew existed. Did you know you can buy eyebrows made of human hair that will stay glued to your face for 2-3 weeks? Fascinating! Maybe I can adjust them to look suprised or angry all day. "What's she so mad about?" "Oh, she's not mad, it's just her fakebrows." The fun potential is endless!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post Kristin. I laughed and cried. I shared with my wife. Who is your help coordinator. We need to be put in touch with them..... Good luck with all. You are in our thoughts and prayers!!
